Thursday, March 20, 2014

Toyota 2 page advertisement in newspaper

Toyota published this 2-page advertisement in the newspaper.  

The following are written in the advertisement.

The eye color changes when you talk about the car and talk about driving the car.
The collection of such pure person like the children = We wish to have in Toyota
I want Toyota to create the car such as the mass of driving spirit, car like the god-sent children of driving, and the car that inspires other manufacturers as well.
I want the Toyota to be always with you when you are returning to child’s mind when you are with the car, and with the adults who have opportunity of such bliss and during the supreme bliss.
Along with the cars saying, “We are…” all over the world.
I want the Toyota that can compete the race becoming innocent.

The big mission of Toyota is to sincerely tackle the theme of “More peace and safe car” starting with the energy conservation, and also tackle by being absorbed in the theme of “More excited and throbbing car”.

We should first keep igniting the mind of “Driving loving youngster” who surely love through the car making and various activities though out Japan and though out the world from now on.

Not like “Here is the last stop”, and “Always starting point”, and hence human and cars are interesting.


Toyota, the world top manufacturer of cars at present, has not sent such a message until now.

In this message, the determination of delivering the attractive products to the customers as the priority rather than aiming for the top sales is expressed, and I think this is the way of Toyota of pushing one’s way forward. Akio Toyoda, president of Toyota who guided this directionality, has denied the F1 return the other day. 

I think that I am going to carefully wait and see on how they are going to please me without F1.
The Japanese manufacturer seems to have finally noticed the charm of having the car. The Japanese cars in future are going to get more and yet more happier. 

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