Saturday, January 25, 2014

Asami Miura (Mito-chan)

Asami Miura was born on April 10, 1987.
She is the announcer of Nippon Television Network Corporation.
The announcer Miura of Nippon Television Network Corporation acquired the first place, though everyone was convinced that the announcer Kato of Fuji Television Network will acquire the first place even in 2013 as she kept the first rank in the favorite female announcer ranking for the past 2 years consecutively.

When compared with announcer Kato, both the shape and style are weak but the maximum charm of the announcer Miura is the serious and honest posture. She has ever-smiling face and is a typical female announcer with a slightly chubby figure and an edacious (big-eyed) character in the program.

The cheerfulness of always having the smiling face remains even if she was fussed with, and it is said that the audience regardless of men and women loves her. She is the type of female announcer that we have not seen so far.

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