Monday, January 6, 2014


DepaChika is an abbreviation that indicates the Underground shopping center of a department store.

Food items are usually sold in the underground shopping center of the department store in Japan.

It is pouring out the effort for every departmental store to become the attractive DepaChicka by collecting the food items that are one rank above the general supermarket, by introducing a popular store that is not in the department stores and by aiming to increase the customers for the entire department store.

By doing this, it got famous gradually, and at present it has established the nuance of the word called as “DepaChika = Attractive food street”.
It has established the fact that if you want to buy a delicious food, then it is at DepaChika, and the television is also broadcasting the features of the DepaChika frequently.
When you come to Japan, please enjoy to go around the DepaChika by all means.

It is pleasure! It is delicious!

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